Folk Artist

David Personius

I am a contemporary folk artist living and working in Fairbanks, Alaska. My art form is the North American bird decoy. I have used the history of my art form to talk to my customers and social media followers about the natural history of the birds they represent, the history of their harvest for food both recreational and for subsistence, and to advocate for the conservation and preservation of the habitats they need for survival.

I’ve been working in this form for more than 40 years and I produce each new piece in the traditional ways with hand tools and locally sourced materials. Hand-carved and painted birds are what I create. Now and then I produce sculptures in natural wood only. Some are fashioned in vintage looks, while others emerge with a more stylized and modern look, utilizing materials other than wood like patinated copper, brass and forged iron.

History of the Art Form:

Over the past 150 years or so, the creation and use of handmade bird decoys for hunting has gradually evolved into today’s modern forms of decorative bird carving and sculpture. The making of handmade hunting decoys still exists and is kept alive by dedicated aficionados of the art form. Today, carved and painted birds from “folksy” to “ultra realistic” can be seen in shows, galleries and other venues across North America.

In times past, waterfowl and shorebird decoys were used to aid in the harvest of vast amounts of wild birds to feed a growing new nation of immigrants. Much of this activity was unregulated and led to devastating reductions, and in some cases, extinction, of migratory bird species. Once these hunting activities were brought under regulatory control, some populations recovered, while others, due to the continued destruction of critical habitats, did not. Wetlands were not user friendly to North American industrial enterprises and were under constant threat and destruction.